

  As I stood there in my well-scrubbed youthful innocence, in my "make this world safe for democracy" righteousness(正义), I felt dirtier than he was.

  Then the train arrived at my stop. As the doors opened, I heard the old man cluck sympathetically. "My, my," he said, "that is a difficult predicament indeed. Sit down here and tell me about it."

  I turned my head for one last look. The laborer was sprawled on the seat with his head in the old man's lap. The old man was softly stroking the filthy, matted hair.

  As the train pulled away, I sat down on a bench in the station. What I had wanted to do with muscle had been accomplished with kind words. I had just seen Aikido in action, and the essence of it was love. I would have to practice the art with an entirely different approach and speak about the resolutions of conflict.


  • 英语手抄报:Love in Bloom
  • 英语手抄报图片:A Good Boy
  • 英语手抄报:我喜欢音乐I Like Music
  • 英语手抄报:学英语的三点法
  • 英语手抄报:热爱祖国 I Love My Country
  • 英语手抄报:If winter comes
  • 英语手抄报:山寨产品Fake Products
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