不愿生儿育女(Reluctance to have children)


  after years of enthusiasm for more children, childbearing is losing its appeal for many young couples, especially in big cities. many newly-weds put off having children or decide not to have any at all. the reasons are as follows:

  there is a growing desire for the freedom and happiness of a childless life. more and more young people prefer to spend their precious youth, and their limited money and energy on other things like vacations. another reason is that they see childbearing as a heavy burden which will take up a lot of the fun time of their lives. reluctance to have children is also attributed to increasing demand for personality development and self-fulfillment. a large number of young people go to different kinds of schools after a day’s work to learn foreign language and computers. they are so busy working for diplomas and degrees, well-paid jobs and promotion that they can hardly consider having a child.

  after all, the trend that young couples don’t want to become parents reflects a significant change in traditional values. modern youth no longer abide by the notion that to have children is to assure being taken care of in old age and carrying on the husband’s family name.


    • Reluctance(不情愿) to have children
    • 父母应该给孩子零花钱吗(Ought Parents to Give Children Pocket
    • 儿童节的起源(Origin of Children)
    • 受点苦对孩子有好处理(Hard life is good for children)
    • 儿童不必要学习太多(Children to learn too much unnecessary)
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    • 电影音乐(Movie Music)
    • 世界水日(World Water Day )
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