庆祝西方节日(The celebration of Westen Festivals)


  a rising number of folks enjoy celebrating the western festival. they seem to be interested in it more than ours. when it is time for the westen festivals, there is a flood of people swarming into celebrating it.

  when we explore this problem,some underlying factors emerge. in the very first place. folks devote a host of time to pursue the western culture. they want to know a sea of knowledge of westen culture in an effect to come up with the fashion. in the second place. a mounting people want to go abroad to develop themselves. so there is a growing recognition of the importance of understanding the western culture.

  due to this , they prefer to celebrating the westen festivals.plus, with the reform and opening up. a wealth of commodities are begining to swarming into the domestic markets, which gives birth to a grave threat for chinese market's development and offers a space for westen culture's developmore.so folks are bount to celebrate the westen festivals, last but not the least. western festival have offer an insight into another culture but the cultivation of traditional valnes in our country are weakening.

  when it come to this phenomenon.it gives rises to the effects for us. the immediate impace is the position of the foreign culture is bound to soar but the domestic will descend,which will take a grave impacts for our development of the culture and market.


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