假凭证(False certificate)


  recently, there comes a bad phenomenon with more and more persons pursuing fake diplomas, growing year after year. the fake-diploma-makers imitate the unreal ones for the sake of profits. meanwhile the buyers take them for the purpose to get better chance of work.but these actions have done great harm to the whole society. for one thing, the fake diplomas threaten the ones who go to universities for further education and get the diploma when looking for the job. meanwhile that is unfair either. for another, the employees may become losing faith in the education and feel caught in a dilemma whether to use a one with a diploma or not. what's worse that may lead a bad conclusion that the youngsters no longer work hard for the diploma and abuse their time when studying.

  in my opinion, the society is to blame as well as the fake-makers and the buyers. if the society did not emphasize too much on the diploma, there wouldn't have come the phenomenon. and if it had paid more attention to honesty and capability, people might have distributed more to their self-establish. and for the buyers, you must know roma wasn't built in a day, there's some day you will betray yourselves. the ringht thing is to work hard step by step.


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