爬山-Climbing the Hill


  one day, mother and i went to climb mount huang. when i began to climb, i felt very easy. but when i climbed the haft way, i was very' tired.and quite out of breath. i asked mother, "can i climb to the top?" mother answered, "as long as you have courage, you can conquer every mountain,

  no matter how high it is! "so i went ahead. half an hour later, i climbed to the top finally. what a wonderful day i had!


    • 第一次爬山-The First Time to Climb Hills
    • 游览金山-A Visit to Gloden Hill
    • 我快乐的一天(My Happiest Day)
    • 童年趣事(Childhood anecdotes)
    • 水的作用(The role of water)
    • 我的化学老师(My Chemistry Teacher)
    • 我高兴的一天 My Happiest Day
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