一位和蔼的警察(A Kind Policeman)


  it was already 2:50 when i got up this afternoon. classes would begin in ten minutes, so i quickly ran out of my house and got on my bike.

  on my way to school, i rode very fast. luckily, every time i got to a crossing, the traffic lights were green. i soon reached the last crossing. this time, the lights were red, but i didn't stop my bike. to my surprise, a policeman appeared and stopped me. “why didn't you stop when the traffic lights were red?” he asked.

  “classes will begin in no time,” i answered.hearing this, he criticized me for not having obeyed the traffic rules. i drooped my head and said, “i'm sorry.” i was afraid that he wouldn't let me go. i was about to cry when he told me to obey the traffic rules next time and let me go. i thanked him and rode away.

  though i was late for school this afternoon, i had learned something: one must obey the rules at any time.


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