东方明珠电视塔(The Oriental Pearl TV Tower)


  walking along the beach, we can see the shanghai oriental pearl tv tower standing like a giant on the other side of the huangpu river. it's visited by thousands of people from different parts of the country and the world every day.

  the shanghai oriental pearl tv tower, which can be seen from far away, is 468: meters tall, it's the tallest tv tower: in asia and the third tallest in the world.from the tv tower, we can get a clear view of the whole city. its construction was started in 1991 and completed in 1994. soon after that, it was opened to the public.now it has become the centre of the culture, entertainment and tourism in the city of shanghai.

  the shanghai oriental pearl tv tower is the symbol of the rapid development of pudong in recent years. we're all proud of it


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