

Why do I Take College English Test Band 6 ? Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Why do I Take College English Test Band 6 ? You should write at least 120 words and your composition should include the following two points (given in Chinese):1.有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试(简称CET—6);2.我参加CET—6考试的理由。Why do I Take College English Test Band 6 ?    More and more students enter for College English Test Band 6 this year. Some students, however, think it unnecessary to do so. When asked, some say that the test is so difficult that they are afraid that they will not pass it. Others say that this test is not as useful as such tests as TOEFL or GRE. So they'd like to take the more useful.    I think it both useful and necessary to take this test. The many comprehensive and objective items in the test will enable me to know whether I have made any progress in my English study after I took the CET 4 a year ago. In this way, I can find my strengths and weakness in my English study. Besides, I regard the certificate of this test valuable. I will be in an advantageous position when I am looking for a job after graduation armed with this certificate. Furthermore, if I can pass this test, I will be more confident when I take such tests as TOEFL or GRE. That's why I am here today, sitting in the classroom, taking this test seriously.


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