关于图书馆(about library)


  every sunday morning, i get up at five in order to find a seat in the library. i like the quiet atmosphere in the library, which makes me deeply absorbed in my study. besides, there are reference books in the library which provide ready guidance to help me solve my problems.

  at home people come and go--some talking, others working. inevitably, there are often noises around the house which make me nervous and unable to concentrate on my study. for the reasons mentioned above, i like to study in the library.


    • 我快乐的一天(My Happiest Day)
    • 我的化学老师(My Chemistry Teacher)
    • 水的作用(The role of water)
    • 童年趣事(Childhood anecdotes)
    • 我高兴的一天 My Happiest Day
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