

孩子的独立教育 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网

围绕:学校让学生打扫厕所和学校不让学生打扫厕所两种情况.写一不少于80个词的主题为”孩子的独立教育”英语作文.给出词:only child, moral education

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents' eyes or even their granparents', so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.
to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.

孩子的独立教育 英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网


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    • 我快乐的一天(My Happiest Day)
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